The Downlow on fishing Dredges: don’t leave the dock without one!

With more and more anglers on the water targeting pelagic species like Blue Marlin, Yellowfin Tuna, Sailfish, White Marlin, Wahoo and Mahi Mahi, different methods of raising and catching fish have developed dramatically in the last few decades. While rigged baits, live baits, and trolling baits are highly effective in raising these pelagic species to the boat, the secret weapon would be a Dredge. 

What is a Dredge?

An offshore fishing dredge is basically a collection of lures or baits that are rigged together to create a larger bait ball presence within a trolling spread. This presence of a bait ball is perfect for attracting and hooking into billfish species such as Blue Marlin, White Marlin, Sailfish and are highly effective for bringing other pelagic species like Tuna, Wahoo, and Mahi to the boat as well.  

Different types of Dredges

When fishing with dredges there are a few different options to choose from. Seasoned anglers will tell you the best dredge is a natural rigged mullet dredge or a ballyhoo dredge. While these natural rigged bait dredges are highly effective, here at Eat My Tackle  we offer plenty of options that require none of the extensive rigging  of a natural bait dredge. One of our most popular dredge options would be Eat My Tackle’s Mullet Double Dredge fishing teaser, which has proven deadly on species like White Marlin and Striped Marlin.  Another popular dredge would be the Tuna Mudflap Double Dredge which features 25 Tuna mud flaps and is ideal for raising Big Blue Marlin to the boat.  

How to use a Dredge

When pulling dredges it is necessary to have the right equipment. At Eat My Tackle we offer anglers the very best Dredges and Dredge Rods as well as 2 speed Twin Drag System Offshore Reels    that help anglers deploy and retrieve their dredges. Dredge rod’s differ from normal trolling rods in that they are much shorter than traditional poles and allow for more control of the placement of the dredge within a spread. When deploying a dredge it is important to have your boat moving at an adequate speed such as 5-6 Knots or sometimes faster. Allow the dredge to be pulled out to a point where it is moving in clean water (Outside of whitewash).  Once set be sure to check tension as well as drag settings on the reel you are using to ensure a quick retrieval of the dredge. Once a fish hits a lure being towed it is important to reel in the dredge as fast as possible to minimize the risk of the dredge becoming tangled on itself or other lines in the water. 


Using a dredge can be very beneficial to improving your odds of landing the fish of a lifetime when used correctly. Using the right gear can mean the difference between a successful day and unsuccessful one. We recommend always using the right gear out on the water such as our dredge Rods as well as proper dredges for the type of fish you are targeting. Don't go home empty handed the next time you're out on the water come home and reap the rewards with Eat My Tackle Fishing Dredges.

DredgesEat my tackleGearSaltwater fishing luresSaltwater fishing tackleSaltwater luresSaltwater tackle

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